I’m not just a candidate…

Cicely - image by Denise Karis Photography

Hello, Chandler! I'm Cicely Rocha-Miller, thrilled to share my journey and decision to run for Chandler City Council. I've called Chandler home for over 12 years, and it's an honor to introduce myself to you.

I'm not just a candidate; I'm a business owner, a partner to my supportive husband, Joe, a mother to my children, and a proud multicultural American of Mexican (My Father) and Italian (My Mother) descent.

I worked full-time as a waitress through college and graduated from Arizona State University with a Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies in Non-Profit Administration and Communication. This educational path ignited my passion for positively impacting our community.

Over the years, I've received recognition for my leadership, including awards from Chandler Community College, Save the Family Foundation and One Community. These acknowledgments have reinforced my commitment to creating positive change.

For the past 19 years, I've been dedicated to the event industry as an event planner and producer. When the pandemic hit, I shifted my focus to our family business in the compressed air industry, and it's been a fantastic transition. While I still produce outstanding events, I have trained an associate planner to continue the pathway of my event planning business while focusing on my next endeavor.

Working in the nonprofit sector has been a significant blessing to my heart as I have had the privilege to have worked with various charities as a consultant, board member, and volunteer for nearly 25 years, driven by my passion to leave the world better than I found it.

While I'm new to the political platform, I am no stranger to service and problem-solving. I'm enthusiastic about listening to your concerns and ideas and implementing positive change and progress in Chandler.

My commitment to inclusivity and unity will be the guiding principles of my service. I look forward to this journey and the opportunity to serve you. Let's make Chandler an even better place for all of us!

With all I have to offer,


Conversation, Connection, and Collaboration