A Way To Help; Sign the Petition

Are you a proud Chandler resident who believes in a brighter future for our city? If you're nodding your head, I need your support! I am excited to announce my candidacy for the Chandler City Council, and your participation is vital to making a positive change in our community.

Why Your Signature Matters

The journey to a better Chandler begins with a simple yet impactful act – adding your name to my campaign petition will get me on the ballot and one step closer to being. By doing so, you're signaling your support for safety, preservation, transparency, and unity within our city. These values are at the core of my vision for Chandler, and I need your help to turn this vision into reality.

How to Sign the Petition

To sign the petition, you must be a Chandler resident registered to vote. Here's what you need to do:

1. Check Your Voter Registration: First, ensure you are a registered voter in Chandler. You can verify your voter registration status by visiting [this website](https://my.arizona.vote/WhereToVote.aspx?s=individual&Language=en). It's quick and easy to look up your records and can also pull your voter registration number for signing the petition online.

2. Sign the Petition: Once you've confirmed your voter registration, visit the official Arizona Secretary of State's website by clicking [this link](https://apps.azsos.gov/apps/election/eps/op/). You'll be asked to provide your legal name, date of birth, and driver's license or voter registration number, along with the last four digits of your social security number.

Why Your Support Is Crucial

I need 1000 signatures to get on the ballot but my goal is to gather 1,500, and every signature counts. Your support conveys that Chandler residents are ready for positive change and to continue our forward momentum.

Join the Movement

Don't miss the opportunity to be part of something bigger than yourself. Chandler's future is in our hands, and together, we can make it a city we're proud to pass on to the next generation.


If you’d like to assist further, I have a few volunteer opportunities available and need my community (YOU) to make this happen. Please go to https://www.cicelyforchandler.com/volunteer and fill out the online form for additional details and opportunities.

Sign the petition today, and let's embark on this journey of progress, unity, and positive change together. Thank you for being an integral part of this campaign and for your commitment to a better Chandler!


Join Our Campaign Team and Let's Make a Difference!


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